Command Line Interface

In this part, we will introduce the commands supported by Mitum and how to utilize them.
There are seven major commands it supports,
  • version

  • node

  • key

  • seal

  • storage

  • deploy

  • quic-client

You may be familiar with node command if you have already been to Run page.
The operation of each model can be generated using the seal command.
It is easy to use the version and quic-client commands. We will now explain the rest of the commands one by one.


The following commands are only available in models that contain operations of Mitum Currency, and other commands are commonly used in all models.
  • seal create-account

  • seal transfer

  • seal key-updater

  • seal currency-register

  • seal currency-policy-updater

  • seal suffrage-inflation

As an example, these are all the commands that Mitum Currency provides.
$ ./mitum-currency --help

Usage: mitum-currency <command>

mitum-currency tool

    -h, --help    Show context-sensitive help.

    version                         version

    node                                node
        init                            initialize node
            <node design file>          node design file
        run                             run node
            <node design file>          node design file
        info                            node information
            <node url>                  remote mitum url
        start-handover                  start handover
            <node address>
            <private key of node>
            <new node url>              new node url

    key                                 key
        new                             new keypair
        verify                          verify key
            <key>                       key
        address                         generate address from key
            [<threshold>]               threshold for keys (default: 100)
            [<key> ...]                 key for address (ex: "<public key>,<weight>")
        sign                            signature signing
            <privatekey>                privatekey
            <signature base>            signature base for signing

    seal                                seal
        send                            send seal to remote mitum node
            <privatekey>                privatekey for sign
        create-account                  create new account
            <privatekey>                privatekey to sign operation
            <sender>                    sender address
            <currency-amount> ...       amount (ex: "<currency>,<amount>")
        transfer                        transfer big
            <privatekey>                privatekey to sign operation
            <sender>                    sender address
            <receiver>                  receiver address
            <currency-amount> ...       amount (ex: "<currency>,<amount>")
        key-updater                     update keys
            <privatekey>                privatekey to sign operation
            <target>                    target address
            <currency>                  currency id
        currency-register               register new currency
            <privatekey>                privatekey to sign operation
            <currency-id>               currency id
            <genesis-amount>            genesis amount
            <genesis-account>           genesis-account address for genesis balance
        currency-policy-updater         update currency policy
            <privatekey>                privatekey to sign operation
            <currency-id>               currency id
        suffrage-inflation              suffrage inflation operation
            <privatekey>                privatekey to sign operation
            <inflation item> ...        ex: "<receiver address>,<currency>,<amount>"
        sign                            sign seal
            <privatekey>                sender's privatekey
        sign-fact                       sign facts of operation seal
            <privatekey>                sender's privatekey

    storage                             storage
        download                        download block data
            <data type>                 data type of block data,
                                        {manifest,operations,operations_tree,states,states_tree,init_voteproof,accept_voteproof,suffrage_info,proposal all}
            <height> ...                heights of block
        verify-blockdata                verify block data
            <blockdata path>
        verify-database                 verify database
            <database uri>
            <blockdata path>
        clean                           clean storage
            <node design file>          node design file
        clean-by-height                 clean storage by height
            <node design file>          node design file
            <height>                    height of block
        restore                         restore blocks from blockdata
            <node design file>          node design file
        set-blockdatamaps               set blockdatamaps
            <deploy key>
            <maps file>                 set blockdatamap file
            [<node url>]                remote mitum url; default: quic://localhost:54321

    deploy                              deploy
        key                             deploy key
            new                         request new deploy key
                <private key of node>
                [<node url>]            remote mitum url; default: quic://localhost:54321
        keys                            deploy keys
            <private key of node>
            [<node url>]                remote mitum url; default: quic://localhost:54321
        key                             deploy key
            <deploy key>
            <private key of node>
            [<node url>]                remote mitum url; default: quic://localhost:54321
        revoke                          revoke deploy key
            <deploy key>
            <private key of node>
            [<node url>]                remote mitum url; default: quic://localhost:54321

    quic-client                         quic-client
        <node url>                      remote mitum url

Run "mitum-currency <command> --help" for more information on a command.