Key Generation


The key command generates keypairs, gets addresses from keys, and gets signature.
The subcommands of the key command are as follows.
  • new

  • address

  • sign



  • Private key and public key are created through keypair generation.

  • The generated keypair is used to create an account, register a keypair of a node, and create a signature of operation and seal.


The new is used for creating a new keypair.

Random Keypair

Use the following to create a random keypair without any seed.
$ ./mitum key new
$ ./mitum key new
      hint: mpr
privatekey: L1ZERchoY53vC5TJQ3WnZEWmg97L2Utw5rgFrCwM7ekTu9zJkZYjmpr
 publickey: 28nFxuC5ETygieSGEYTkewwnCZseB4TNYGMRtxz31bvxzmpu

Keypair from Seed

Use the following to create a keypair from a seed. Note that the length of string seed must be longer than or equal to 36.
$ ./mitum key new --seed <string seed>
$ ./mitum key new --seed abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJ
      hint: mpr
privatekey: KypAAGYtVFdTFLS8muPJhwfJBFCFHKSe594yYmKK3FPteh7sie4Dmpr
 publickey: 25BcZrcyiE3TD2BZEqkdDuaYB9zHxpdW82BNn8HkCLTijmpu


The address command is used for generating addresses from keys.
You should prepare (public key, weight) pairs and threshold for the account. Refer to below Multi Sig Account for details.
$ ./mitum key address <threshold> [<publickey>,<weight>]
For example, let’s say that the information of the account is given by the table below, then the address command is used as follows.




{key: 21Sn1o…, weight: 50}, {key: utzCef…, weight: 50}

$ ./mitum key address 100 21Sn1owHXRx336aaerU1WbbKjiZXMcrJsnxBHP9etNx6zmpu,50 utzCefA1Szmmt3rAwqW5yEhxK1x3hG3Y3yThEK3gZmv3mpu,50
However, you won’t get correct address if the keys of the account have been updated by the key-updater command. Refer to key-updater.

Multi Sig Account

  • Account is a data structure that has currency and balance in Mitum Currency.

  • Account has a unique value called address and can be identified through this.

  • Register a public key for user’s Account authentication.

  • Mitum Currency accounts can register multiple public keys because multi signatures are possible.

For example, an account under following condition is available.






{key: rd89Gx…, weight: 50}, {key: skRdC6…, weight: 50}


{currency: MCC, amount: 10000}, {currency: MCC2, amount: 20000}


There are several conditions that each account should follow.

  • The range of threshold should be 1 <= threshold <= 100.

  • The range of each weight should be 1 <= weight <= 100.

  • The sum of every weight of the account should be greater than or equal to threshold.

  • Each key must be a BTC compressed public key with suffix mpu.

  • mca follows the address as a suffix.

These are examples of available account states.

CASE1 (single)

  • threshold: 100

  • keys: {key: rd89Gx…, weight: 100}

CASE2 (single)

  • threshold: 50

  • keys: {key: rd89Gx…, weight: 60}

CASE3 (multi)

  • threshold: 100

  • keys: {key: rd89Gx…, weight: 40}, {key: skRdC6…, weight: 30}, {key: mymMwq…, weight: 30}

CASE4 (multi)

  • threshold: 50

  • keys: {key: rd89Gx…, weight: 20}, {key: skRdC6…, weight: 20}, {key: mymMwq…, weight: 10}

Even in the same publickey combination, address will have different values if weight or threshold are different.


The sign command is used for getting the signature of the private key for a specific message.
$ ./mitum key sign <privatekey> <signature base>
$mitum key sign L5nDx2QtZVBPtJvUQ13cj3bMhC487JdxrwXTdS6JgzTvnSHestCxmpr bWVzc2FnZQ=
Note that signature base is string encoded by base64.